The labbit pops were first wrapped in 3"x4" treat bags and secured with a twist tie, then chilled for at least 12 hours in a refrigerator. This hardened all the icing details so they wouldn't be damaged in shipping.
Next, the labbits got themselves a sturdy box for mailing. They just repurposed a box that would hold about 8 labbit pops. They lined the box first with tissue paper and then with bubble wrap.
Next, the cake pops were placed in the box with some space separating them. They shouldn't be don't want icing to get smooshed or smeared. The light background showed the spacing and placement of the labbit pops for this photo, but you should put some shredded paper at the bottom of the box before adding your labbit pops.
The most important thing about shipping cake pops is that they don't move, so make sure you take lots of shredded paper and stuff it around the cake pops so they don't shift. You can close up your box and shake it a little to make sure things aren't moving.
Fold down the bubble wrap and tissue paper, close the lid, and secure the box with tape. The labbits then wrapped the entire box with freezer paper (find it in the grocery store with the ziploc bags and parchment/wax papers) to keep the box dry, and labelled it for mailing. They were mailed away in southern Vermont and arrived two days later in San Francisco, safe and sound, but note this was in February! If you're mailing cake pops to a warmer climate or during hotter months, you may want to stick the package in the fridge, and slip a reusable ice pack in a ziploc bag into the box to keep things cool. Good luck with making and shipping your own labbit cake pops!
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