On the third day in Portsmouth, Pipkin visited the Strawberry Banke Museum, but was disappointed at a) the lack of strawberries b) the museum not actually being about strawberries and c) not officially opening until the next day, when Pipkin would be home in Vermont.
The grounds were open to those walking (or hopping) through, so Pipkin took a stroll around the olde buildings. He thought this tire swing was a lot of fun. Shouldn't all tire swings be this cool?
The best part of the Strawberry Banke Museum for Pipkin was the Victorian Children's Garden. Pipkin thought the garden was well cared for but a little lonely, until he discovered (or rather, was discovered by) a black cat patrolling the gardens and the greenhouse.
The cat seemed a little surprised to see a labbit in the garden considering the museum was closed. Suspicious that the labbit might steal some of the garden veggies, he kept an eye on Pipkin from inside the greenhouse...
...then he started to sneak up on him from behind...
...and got closer...
...and well...close enough for inspection.
The kitty approved and hung out with Pipkin for a while.
Pipkin really liked the garden tea party table and wished his labbit friends could have joined him for tea.
Seashells make wonderful plates.
Twisty tree branches and seashell houses make this place magical. The peacock feathers make for wonderful seashell house decor.
At Prescott Park, Pipkin cozied up to a stone carving of a whale. The whale is not to scale!
Neeeener, neeeener. No dogs allowed!
Pipkin definitely needs a friend to play with. If only Domo had come with him. Not that Domo's into tea in the garden, but he would definitely have played dandelion-seedpod checkers on this outdoor bench.
As the clouds rolled in, Pipkin took a final look at the east coast and said goodbye to Portsmouth. Pipkin will surely be back - next time with friends.