Sunday, February 17, 2013

Careful What You Wish For!

Pipkin went to Lake Morey in Fairlee, VT this past weekend. Lake Morey Resort maintains a 4.5 mile skating track along the perimeter of Lake Morey, but in the center of the lake, there's a large, clear space for skating and ice hockey. The ice is maintained with brushes and shoveling, not with a zamboni. The conditions are quite good, with some bumpy areas and soft spots, depending on the weather.

Pipkin did a slippery hop around the 4.5 mile track, but he went to the center of the lake, wishing he could join in on a game of hockey. He didn't know how to play, but it certainly looked like fun. When he hopped a little closer, someone asked if he wanted to play. Pipkin said yes!! But...things didn't turn out the way he hoped...

"Hey, wait! What's going on??"

Uh oh. Pipkin's not gonna win this face-off...


  1. Uh-oh Pip! Maybe it's better to ask if you can be a team mascot instead of joining in on the game...

  2. What is my brother doing to Pipkin?!?


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