Then they pressed onward to Cape Eluanbi, the southernmost tip of Taiwan, where they went to Eluanbi Lighthouse. The lighthouse was constructed in 1888 during the Qing dynasty.
This lighthouse suffered from frequent raids by neighboring aboriginal tribes, and so it is the only armed lighthouse in the world! It has a trench surrounding it, and gun holes in the fortification walls.
Eluanbi Park is a nice size and there are lovely shaded walking trails along the grounds. There's an area with small caves too, unfortunately they were closed off to visitors that day. They were still able to find their way down the hill from the lighthouse to the shore, where a boardwalk provided a sunny and very windy walk along the coast.

Pipkin: Wow, it's so WINDY here!
Domo: What? I can't hear, it's so WINDY here!
How windy was it? So windy, Pipkin and Domo needed some help having the wind blocked while posing for this photo so they wouldn't get blown away:
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